This retarded girl who took the short bus to school took some candy from the J words her daddy should have warned her about. Little wannabe archaeologist here Caroline Sturdy Colls who watched Jurassic Park as a girl and wanted to be just like that Spielberg Star playing with triceratops poop and dino bones here –

Caroline Sturdy Colls went to Jewrassic Park and she found a prehistoric shark’s tooth!! Literally showing the area she dug in was undisturbed since fucking Poland was underwater like six million years ago despite what this liar says. THAT’S RIGHT – Carl here DOES NOT FIND 900,000 or 2 Gajillion gassed Jewish bone remnants in this alleged biblical hell on earth. Revisionists say it was a transit camp. And, like, yikes, there’s proof for that. Documents and eyewitness testimony.

Genocidal Zionist scum says Treblinka was a flaming pit of fire that burned 24.7 where Jews were tricked into walking into a bunch of weirdly configured fake shower rooms or something. I found more bones at Treblinka than Caroline just walking around – animal bones, but who knows, maybe I found the real Treblinka mass grave. But no one has followed up on it but demonized me like this retarded child Carolyin’.

Caroline Sturdy Colls is a whore who sucked genocidal ultraZionist orthodox “gas shower” hoaxer circumcised dick for HoloBux and hoaxed an archaeological investigation of Treblinka “pure extermination camp.” A Rabbi SHUT IT DOWN somehow – a rabbi with a New York accent is in charge of all of Poland. And archaeology too. Because there’s a Jewish law against digging or some shit. According to him. Yup. Uhhh, go to prison Michael Schudrick. You fucking hoaxer. No remains of 900,000 gassed Jews at Treblinka. I will be encouraging everyone to push for criminal prosecution of this rabbi, Colls, and everyone involved with this hoax.

Maybe now after ten years not listening to my urgent warning Caroline here can go do an excavation of a mass grave of Palestinians the Zionists burned alive at whatever hospital or refugee camp the Zionists are currently Holocausting in Gaza this week. That guy in the poster is some shady New York Jew sent to Poland to block Holocaust investigations. There ain’t 900,000 corpses in that ground. You lying fuck, you are going to prison over this. The LIDAR scan already proved that, you stupid asshole Caroline. Oh, and that guy on the right on the poster, he made that fucking retarded muh German Murder Camp train model shown at the top of the poster. He never saw any of that stuff, he was too far away! And he admits this. But he definitely heard about it through the grapevine, or some shit. And got it all right. Like 19 shower rooms that were really gas chambers, uh, what gas? Doesn’t matter. Trap doors, flaming pits of fire. Yeah. Um. Alright.

I should have sued Caroline Sturdy Colls for The Treblinka Archeology Hoax years ago because no one speaks out against the desecration of non-Jewish graves like she did at that Polish Christian cemetery. I feel awful for Polish political prisoners who died under forced labor camps of the Germans. Who speaks for them? Irene Zisblatt even stole one of the Polish women’s tattoo numbers and she says Mengele removed it from her body like Frankenstein LOL.

But if I can actually SUE CAROLYING STURDY COLES in Britain, I can actually see my day in court. So this is exciting to me. The possibility I can sue Caroline’s hoaxing ass in British court, not American. British courts have much better rules for the poor. The judge can’t throw it out instantly. There is still time for Caroline Sturdy Colls to face criminal action for her criminal fraud UltraZionist cashgrab for Zionist bloodmoney. Lying about -hoaxing about – literal fucking archaeology. Absolutely disgusting. A crime against science and everything good and true. Fuck you Caroline. You belong in prison for what you did.

Sucking that hoaxing rabbi cover-up scumbag’s circumcised dick in front of everyone. Fucking gross, Caroline Sturdy Colls, you dumb ho! You ain’t no archaeologist, telling niggas to stop digging and shit lol that ain’t make no sense, you fucking retard. You have no problem desecrating marked Christian graves down the road at the Polish labor camp cemetery, putting these formerly rested bones on display for the Jewish Holocaust religious myth. Caroline Sturdy Colls, just another shameless Zionist whore! Like Tony Burke, any politician, any academic, basically. You gotta suck Harvey Weinstein or Steven Spielberg’s dick to get ahead in post World War 2 society. Caroline here would blow ’em both at the same time! How is it possible to HOAX an archaeological dig of Treblinka. You just fucking saw. That’s how. Fuck you Caroline. YOU DESERVE PRISON. MANY YEARS IN PRISON FOR THIS FRAUD.

Caroline Sturdy Colls? Just another Ghislaine Maxwell type. A pimp and a whore. I saw Ghislaine Maxwell with Elie Wiesel, did I tell you? Kamala Harris knows all about it. That’s why the bitch locked me up and tried to send me to San Quentin, which has or had a real gas chamber. Did I mention my life has been interesting ? – Eric Hunt. Ultra HQ Download link – treblinka-archaeology-hoax-final-hd-1920×1080 : Eric Hunt : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive


Lol Colls had to reference only one of my videos “The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax” lol ahahaah. She wouldn’t cite The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax