Holocaust Hoaxer Renata Adler – Bitch says she was half gassed.

This lying, hoaxing asshole says she was “half gassed” in one of them gas showers the Germans invented.

This one has a button for on and Mengele or someone realized they made a mistake and took them out after they were half gassed. The “gas” still hurts to this day. Especially at the dentist.

She also says she say bodies being taken out of the crematory being sent to the soap factory.

Fuck this gas shower of doom hoax of the Zionists.

Lol the interviewer is like. Wha wha wha wha hold on a second we got a live one on the line. Uh. Can you go back for a second to that part where you said you were, like, gassed, retarded lady? And um how did the uh gas taste? Like, wtf is this guy? They train all the Shoah Foundation “interviewers” to be retarded and talk like coddled children to these retarded hoaxing whores.

Fuck you lady. You were never “gassed” you fucking retard. This lying Zionist criminal heard about various bullshit hoaxes post war. She thought the “gas” came through the water pipes or some shit. So did everyone else apparently because that sounds correct and even German-like but there is no proof of that. So instead now, in some places they say it was carbon monoxide, or carbon dioxide, or a captured soviet submarine engine that the Germans never captured gassed the Jews. In some places, they say they dropped the pesticide pellets through the roof of a crematorium’s morgue room and let it sit there. Yeah. That’s also fucking retarded and a goddamned fucking hoax too.

NO GAS SHOWERS. All gas shower of doom claims are just fake bullshit hoaxes made up by lying disgusting whores like this whose families should be held accountable. We are enslaved to the Holocaust gas shower of doom hoax. The descendants of Irene Zisblatt and Renata Adler, all “gas shower” liars, hoaxers must be sanctioned, literally bankrupted. Their entire families.